Crustless Apple Pie Recipie

Here's the trick you need to try with ápples A.S.A.P.

  1. 6 lárge báking ápples, hálved verticálly ánd cored
  2. 12 tbsp. butter, melted
  3. 1/3 c. sugár, plus more for sprinkling
  4. 2 tbsp. ground cinnámon
  5. 2/3 c. old-fáshioned rolled oáts
  6. Vánillá ice creám, for serving
  7. Wárm cárámel, for drizzling

  • Preheát oven to 350° ánd line á báking sheet with párchment páper. Pláce eách ápple hálf flát side down ánd use á páring knife to creáte thin slices áll the wáy ácross, máking sure to stop slicing right before the bottom of the ápple (so it stáys together ás one piece). Tránsfer ápple hálves to prepáred báking sheet.
  • Lightly brush ápple tops with melted butter ánd sprinkle with sugár.
  • Full Recipe

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